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Sea Bass from Veta La Palma Natural Park

This is the fish we serve on our dinner menu on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. When we buy ingredients, we think a lot about them.... not just how tasty or good for us they are, but how they were come by, who produced them and how their production affects the environment. For fish and animals products, the quality of the life is also a huge factor. For every ingredient, there is a different set of variables to take into consideration. With fish, it can be very difficult to find a product which meets our criteria as so much ocean fishing is damaging through it's by-catch & ocean floor trawling. And very often fish farms cause extensive pollution and actually use wild fish to feed the farmed fish. So, we choose not to use any fish on the 'Red list'... the list of endangered and overfished species. You can check out the WWF Fish Guide here or download an app from their website here It's a really interesting and informative website. While I was still searching for a fish that I was happy to serve I came across this TED talk by chef Dan Barberby chance, I was just as excited as he is by these fish. He's talking about the fish raised in Veta La Palma Natural Park. It's a really inspiring project and we're so thrilled to be able to source our fish from here. And here it is, with a deeply crispy skin served over golden turmeric rice, fresh coriander, cucumber, red onion, chili and lemon.

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